◆職稱:教授兼研究發展處副處長暨學術發展組組長 ◆專兼任:專任 ◆研究室:五育樓1411室,分機35351 ◆EMAIL:elsa0507@gmail.com ◆最高學歷:國立中山大學企業管理系博士 ◆學術和教育專業專長:組織社會學、質性研究、公益群眾募資、非營利組織管理 ◆經歷:
I-lun Tsai and Ru-mei Hsieh (2024) Climate concerns and moral evaluations: Reshaping Taiwan’s stance on gasoline-powered Scooters. 40th EGO Colloquium: Crossroads for organizations: Time, Space, and People. July 4-6,2024, Milan, Italy.
I-lun Tsai and Ru-mei Hsieh (2023). In the name of air pollution: How the stigmatized gasoline scooter category persists, 1983~2021. 14th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, 18-21, June, Crete, Greece
蔡依倫(2022)。以空污治理之名:市場類別消逝歷程研究。2022臺灣 組織管理學會年會暨研討會,台南:成功大學。
I-lun Tsai (2022). The dynamic of category demise: A study of Taiwan's petrol- scooter category, 1995-2021. 13th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, Rhodes, Greece.
Tsai, I-lun (2020) Social interactions in institutional accommodation: a case study of energy transition in the electric power sector, 15th Organization Summer Workshop, May 20-22, Webinar.
方世杰、謝如梅、蔡依倫(2020),價值共創理論發展:組織搭架觀點。2020 科技部管理一學門研究成果發表會/臺灣組織與管理學會年會暨研討會,台北。
蔡依倫、郭雅琪、謝如梅(2019)公私夥伴關係的能源轉型案例研究。” Institutional Complexities and organizational Responses in a Changing Global Economy “11th Asia Academy of Management Conference & 12th Taiwan Academy of Management Conference Joint conference. June 19-21, Indonesia: Universitas Pertamina.
Tsai, I-lun(2019) Friends or foes? When new entrants collaborate with incumbents in energy transition. 15th New Institutionalism Workshop, March 15-16, Sweden: Uppsala University.
OMT (Organization & Management Theory) Junior Faculty Consortium, 74th AoM Annual Meeting. (2014.08)